Official Rulings have now been integrated with the cardlists on the TrekCC website. Whenever you view a card, you will see a list of rulings that pertain to it. You can view the latest official rulings at There is also an RSS feed you can use to automatically be notified of new rulings at

To ask for an official ruling, you should still e-mail

Jared Hoffman asks:
I have some timing questions on the final version of the Quetsivoo. It was changed at the last minute so that your other ferengi only get the Past Icon if you have 3 past ferengi on the ship. So, assuming you start with what I'll call 3 "natuarl" past ferengi, all the ferengi on the ship gain Past. If your "natural" past ferengi get stopped during the mission attempt, do the others retain their past icon and does the ship attributes stay boosted. In summary, when do the other ferengi loose their past icons? When there are less than 3 "natural" and "gained" past ferengi on the ship unstopped?
They do not lose their icons. As long as the condition is met, Ferengi aboard the ship continue to have that icon. The ability on Quetsivoo does not discriminate between personnel who have the past icon printed on them and those who gain it otherwise.

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Lee Clarke asks:
If I'm using Worf, Security Detail Leader 1S290, can I look at the top 3 dilemmas of my opponent's pile, then later on in the turn, assuming I still have enough security people, look at the top 3 dilemmas again? or does Worf's "limit three" text apply to the whole turn?
The limit on Worf's ability refers to how many dilemmas can be examined each time the Order is executed.

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Jan 5, 2010

Choose to be Stopped

codewolf asks:
In a tournament Locutus was chosen to be stopped when facing Kolaran Raiders. The player then said that they were going to play Knowledge and Experience to prevent the stop. I told them if they prevented the stop that they would not get the 10 points for using Locutus skill and someone would be killed. Was I correct in saying that. My logic was is was as though they did not choose him tobe stopped.
You may respond after someone has been selected but before they have been stopped. If the dilemma is prevented during that time, Locutus would score the points but not be stopped.

See the "dilemmas" entry in the Current Rulings Document for examples outlining when you may respond while facing a dilemma.

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Jan 4, 2010

CRD - January 2010

The CRD for January 2010 is now available.

The following entries have been added or changed:

  • Attempting Missions
  • Forcing Their Way