Dec 30, 2009

Returning Dilemmas

thsch asks:
Helen Noel

You may play this personnel at cost +3 to reveal the top four dilemmas of an opponent's dilemma pile and remove each dilemma that has a cost of 1 or more and does not require a skill from the game. The remaining dilemmas return to their owner's dilemma pile.

Where exactly are the remaining dilemmas placed? On the top or (face up) on the bottom of the dilemma pile?
Whenever dilemmas are returned to a dilemma pile, they are returned face-up to the bottom of the dilemma pile unless specified otherwise.

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ntimmons asks:
I would just like to clarify the timing on this dilemma. When the choice happens to replace this dilemma with the revealed dilemma, we are into part "h" and well passed the cost deduction part "e" of the process, and whatever dilemma is revealed is 'replaced' and continues along in part "h" where we process the text of the dilemma line by line.

I am assuming the bonus to this dilemma is that it could very well get you a dilemma that costs more then zero for the low-low price of "Consume 2." It could also potentially let you face a planet dilemma in space or vice versa as the planet/space check happens in part "e" as well, or it could flat out fizzle and for the low-low price of "Consume 2" you get nothing (Skeleton Crew? awesome.. I wanted one of those to be put out of play... that is exactly what I wanted...)

The dilemma revealed by Repressed Message is processed beginning at step "f. 'When . . . about to face . . . dilemma' triggers process."

This means that you may face a space-only dilemma at a planet mission or vice-versa, the cost of the revealed dilemma is not counted against the total cost you may spend on dilemmas, and you may even face a dilemma you have faced previously this mission attempt.

Winner of Borg asks:
Two questions:

From the rulebook:
"You may play equipment at cost +1 at this mission"

where exactly does this ability refer to? only directly at this mission (which would mean it doesn't work in space), or ANYWHERE at this mission (which would mean you could play equipment aboard your ships, but also aboard an opponent's ship at this mission) ?
"At this mission" means on the mission or onboard a ship located at the mission. This means you could use Miles O'Brien to play equipment cards aboard an opponent's ship at that mission.

DJstormtrooper42 asks:
Two questions:

From the rulebook:
"During your turn, effects from your opponent’s cards may not include or consider your stopped personnel."

If this is the case, how does a card like A Bad End or Don't Let It End This Way legally function?

"You cannot use another card’s text to affect one of your stopped personnel or ships."

If this is the case, can a affected by Brief Reunion be killed while stopped?
For your first question, the golden rule of CCGs is that cards may break a rule if they explicitly do so. A Bad End and Don't Let It End This Way explicitly break the rule about whom dilemmas can affect.

For your second question, yes, a personnel placed in play by Brief Reunion will still be killed at the end of the turn even if that personnel is stopped. The reason is the same as why Michael Eddington will still be killed if his ability is used and he is stopped: you activated the game text before the personnel in question was stopped. An effect that is already pending on a personnel or ship is not cancelled just because that personnel has been stopped.

Dec 19, 2009

About to Complete

Linkan asks:
How does the ability of •Romulan Impersonator, Geordi La Forge and Founder Trap work according to the mission attempt guide in the CRD?

Attempting missions 5b AP shows all requirements needed to complete the mission. If he or she cannot, all of the personnel involved are stopped and all “When . . . fail a mission attempt” triggers and “When . . . mission attempt fails” triggers process.

Attempting missions 5c If the AP does show all requirements, all “When . . . about to complete” triggers process, then the AP scores the points on the mission (or points in game text used to attempt and complete the mission, then “When . . . complete” triggers process.
Since the Romulan Impersonator and Founder Trap triggers in 5c, you wait until you know if your opponent can complete the mission, but technicaly there is no new place to check the altered requirements in the rules. If passed in 5b, the points are scored in 5c.

Does this mean 5b and 5c needs a slight alteration for these cards to work as intended? (Something like "If any response in this subsection alters the requirements in the mission, return to 5a." in 5c right before the score points part?)
A change will be issued in the January 2010 CRD. For now, if the mission requirements change after they have been checked for completion but before the mission has been completed, then return to the beginning of step 5b.

blinkkite asks:
Hello all,
I was wondering, if a Precise Attack is on a ship I command, can I destroy it with an event destruction card (Worth the Price, Swagger)?
From the Rulebook v3 (page 10, column 2, paragraph 10):
You cannot use game text to remove damage cards unless that text specifically refers to damage cards. For example: Destroy an event. Lose 5 points. This game text cannot remove a damage card that happens to be an event.

Dec 16, 2009

Escaping Detection

Shanebrier asks:
At first glance this seems like a fairly simple card. I'm having trouble with a few possibilities. Can you please provide a detailed description of where this card applies. I guess what I really need to know is if "this mission" is any mission the personnel is at. Some examples that seem odd:
S'salk - While attempting a mission, this personnel is attributes +1 for each dilemma overcome beneath this mission. if S'salk is at every mission, then "this" mission is every mission and he is huge. EVERY mission, including my opponent's
Tallera - When you complete this mission, if it is worth 40 or more points, you may score 5 points. Similar case but without the need to be attempting the mission, if Icomplete a 40 point mission anywhere, I score 5 points.
Lovok - When an engagement involving your ship or ship begins at this mission, if this personnel is aboard a ship, that ship may join that engagement.Since Lovok is at all missions, the ship he is on can join any engagement, even if it is at a different mission.
The conditional "this mission" does include missions that a personnel is "at" because of Escaping Detection.

However, Escaping Detection does not have an effect during your turn. For S'salk and Tallera: if you are attempting or competing missions when it is not your turn, Escaping Detectionis the least of your rules problems.

Your analysis of Lovok is correct.

garetjax asks:
Can "A few minor difficulties" be destroyed by it's gametext, if the player who commands this event has the Talnot in play and a copy of the event in the discard pile?
And as a second question can i save this event with Miles Repair chief, if it would be destroyed by it's own gametext?
Effects belong to the commander of the card that produced them. When A Few Minor Difficulties destroys itself, it is being destroyed by whoever commands it. Because it is not an opponent destroying it (you are), neither Miles O'Brien nor Talnot can change that.